Mohon iman tersemai di hati, Moga hidup dipandu Ilahi

Selamat datang ke blog personal Alfi Ramadhani. Moga apa yang tertulis di sini membawa kebaikan. Andai ada salah & silap, teguran anda semua sangatlah diharapkan. Selamat membaca! :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

| ARTWORK | Sketching A Simple Muslimah OC (I)


Background Music : Flumpool - Zanzou (Bloody Monday OST)

My first tutorial video on how to draw a simple Muslimah character.
Sketching by using Paint Tool SAI (software) & a drawing tablet (device).
I'm so sorry if the drawing is not really nice, coz I'm still learning on how to use my tablet.
(It's quite hard to draw using a tablet. Using a pencil is the best! ^^)

This is my style.
Different people, different style..
I hope all of you can get some benefit from this video.
Insha-Allah, I will make another video after this.
A better one, hopefully, insha-Allah.
That's all, may Allah bless.. :)

(click to enlarge)


  1. @Haziq Asyraf emm.. writing pad tu nama lain utk graphic tablet ea..? haha..
    kalo graphic tablet tu aku baru ada.. :)

  2. wah..bestnyer ad graphic tablet..terasa nak memilikinya..srnok tgk org lukis gmbr muslimah..

  3. @Nur Areefah guna software Cam Studio. Download free je kot. Cer Google. Dia bleh record smua activity kat dekstop. :)


Kata-kata anda amat berharga..! =D

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